The Reverend Owen Meredith Waller
Fifth Rector (1893 – 1896)...

The Reverend John Pallam Williams Fourth Rector (1882 – 1891)
Owen Meredith Waller was the second rector to serve at St. Thomas‘ 12th and Walnut Street site. He graduated from Oxford University, England in 1887 and from the Theological Seminary in New York in 1892. He was ordained in 1893 by Bishop Potter. Reverend Waller’s short service to St. Thomas was followed by fruitful service to St. Luke’s, Washington, D.C. from 1896 to 1905. Following the path of community-mindedness established by his forbears, the Reverend Doctor Waller was a founding member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).